Terms & Conditions
Complimentary access will automatically stop after the allotted time.
Monthly access renews automatically every month and payment taken from your saved payment details. You can cancel your subscription at anytime and will be billed to the end of that month.
Price and Payment
Prices are in New Zealand Dollars and include Goods and Services Tax.
We do not provide refunds except as required by law.
By subscribing to our memberships you agree that you are healthy and fit enough to exercise and have consulted a medical professional before taking part in our exercise videos.
We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage suffered by you or your surroundings as a result of interacting with the Barreology videos.
You accept that if you sustain an injury while using a Barreology video we will not accept responsibility for the injury or claim.
Intellectual property
We own all intellectual property rights in the Barreology videos as well as the website images and text.
Your subscription entitles you to personal use of the Barreology videos. You may not share, copy or distribute the videos to any other person or group.
Variation to Terms
We may vary our terms and conditions in the future. We will endeavour to contact you with changes in a timely manner.
Any personal information collected by Barreology will be used only for contact and subscriptions purposes and will not be shared with outside parties.
By signing up to Barreology online subscription you agree to receive communication from us.