I make this delicious gluten free granola often as it doesn’t last long in my household. It is
delicious served with plant milk and topped with coconut yoghurt and fresh fruit. It is also a
wonderful dessert sprinkled over nice cream or yoghurt.
Buckwheat is very rich in fibre, a great source of plant protein and very high in antioxidants
and a nutrient called rutin which is a type of phytonutrient which helps stabilize blood
pressure and helps reduce cholesterol. The carbohydrate content in Buckwheat is absorbed
slowly into the blood stream, providing your body with a steady stream of energy.

2 cups of buckwheat groats
3/4 cup of coconut shreds
1/2 cup of sunflower seeds
1/2 cup of pumpkin seeds
2 tbsp peanut or almond butter
2 tbsp maple syrup
3 tbsp melted coconut oil
1 tsp. of ground cinnamon
1/2 -1 cup of unsweetened cranberries, dried apricots, or dates
Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
Add all the dry ingredients into a large bowl and mix well. In a small pot melt the coconut oil
maple and nut butter together over low heat. Add wet to dry and mix thoroughly. Line a
large baking tray with baking paper and spread the mixture out evenly.
Bake for 18 minutes and keep an eye to make sure it browns evenly. You can give it a little
mix part way through baking.
Leave to cool and transfer to a large jar or airtight container. Store in a cool dry place.